Core Self Guided Meditation

Hi, you! So above is the guided meditation you signed up for. If you’d like to download it to your device simply right-click and “save as”.

This is a powerful meditation that will help you connect to yourself on a deep level. The entire meditation is 23ish minutes however if you prefer, you can break up your practice and build up to completing the entire meditation at your own pace. Here are the timestamps for you to pause the recording:

  • beginning to 4:49 is basic breath practice

  • from 4:50 to 6:04 is thought practice

  • from 6:05 to 9:30 is body scan

  • from 9:31 to 17:40 is values, strength, and beliefs practice

  • from 17:41 to 18:48 is knowing/wisdom awareness

  • from 18:49 to the end is brief body scan and closing the practice

Helpful Tips:

Make sure to have a journal with you and if possible, find a spot where you can practice uninterrupted.

Let me know how it goes! I’d love to hear from you if you have any questions or would like to share your experience. Just drop me an email right HERE.